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You have a voice in matters that affect you. But if you want your voice to be heard, you must register and vote.
Go to the registration page and follow the instructions.
Complete this form and mail it along with any required information to:
the Department of Elections - Sussex County Office
119 Race Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
302-856-5082 fax
TO REVIEW YOUR REGISTRATION, request an absentee ballot, check the status of your absentee ballot or find your polling location:
Go to
Your Vote is your Voice, and it Can Make a Difference.
You have three options:
Early Voting: Voting Centers will be open at least 10 days prior to the Primary and General Elections. Voters may vote at any center within the county in which they reside.
You may take children 17 years old and younger with you when voting.
For further information:
What are the steps to take to register to vote in Delaware?
If you are new to Delaware and go to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to register your car and/or get a DE driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote in DE. You will receive a follow-up letter from the Sussex County Department of Elections informing you that you have been registered to vote. The letter will also ask you with which party you wish to affiliate. You are given several ways to respond: by mail, phone or online. If you do not respond, you will be classified as NP (No Party).
If you went to the DMV prior to June 2023, you need to register to vote this year. Go online to and follow the instructions.
What are the dates and deadlines for voting in 2024 regarding the Primary Election, General Election and Early Voting?
The DE primary is September 10, 2024. You must be registered with a party who has candidates in the Primary Election to vote in the Primary Election.
The General Election is November 5.
Early voting for the Primary Election begins August 28 and runs through September 8. Early voting for the General Election begins October 25 and runs through November 3. The closest early voting site for RD 14 is the Rollins Community Center (the former Lewes Public Library) on Savannah Road in Lewes.
How do I vote Absentee?
To secure an absentee ballot, go to the website and follow the instructions. You can also call the Sussex County Department of Elections at 302 856-5367.
What is the website for the Delaware Department of Elections and the Sussex County Department of Elections?
The website for the Sussex County Department of Elections is
The website for the Delaware Department of Elections is
How do I contact the Sussex County Department of Elections?
You can email the Sussex County Department of Elections at, call them at 302 856-5367 or go to their website at
What is an RD and ED?
An RD is a representative district which elects a person to serve in the Delaware House of Representatives. An ED is an election district. Each RD consists of several EDs. RD 14 has 11 EDs. A person’s voting location or polling place is located within their ED.
How is the RD related to the Senate District and the County Council District?
Senate Districts and the County Council Districts are not contiguous with the RDs. That is, they do not necessarily have the same boundary. RD 14 is also located within Senate District 6, however Senate District 6 also includes RD 20 and some parts of RD 4. RD 14 lies within County Council District 3. Parts of Country Council District 3 are also found in RD 20 and RD 4.
How do I find out in which RD and ED I reside?
Go to When the site comes up, enter your home address. Your voting location will come up as well as your RD and ED. To find out your Senate and County Council district, go the bottom of the page where it says “Districts.” Click/tap “show” on the right side of the page. All of your districts will be listed.
How can I attend and participate in an RD 14 Democratic Committee meeting?
The 14th RD Democratic Committee meets the second Wednesday of each month at the Iron Hill Brewery on Route 1 near the entrance to Rehoboth. The meetings are open to all registered Democrats. If you wish to attend, send your email address to committee secretary Cheryl Fruchtman at
When I go to vote, what information do I need to take with me?
When you registered to vote, you should have received a postcard in the mail that is your Delaware Polling Place Card. This card is sufficient identification for you to vote. If you do not have the card, you can also present your driver’s license or a bill sent to you with your address on it. Delaware does not require a photo ID in order to vote.
What information may I bring with me into the polling place?
Nothing advocating a specific candidate may be taken into the polling place. This includes: clothing, signs or any printed material.
What is the party registration breakdown in the RD 14?
As of June 1, 2024, the approximate registration of RD 14 voters is:
Democratic 9,064
Republican 6,617
Unaffiliated/No Party 5,126
Other 508
Dear Delaware Millennials:
Are you registered to vote? If not, you’re giving up the opportunity to have your say in important issues of the day.
At a time when many statewide elections are often decided by a few thousand votes, the percentage of 18-year-olds who are registered to vote is under 20 percent in many state. And low turnout means that important local issues are determined by a limited group of voters.
So please exercise your rights and register to vote. And tell your friends and family members. It’s easy to do. Just go to and fill out the registration form.